Training Overview

communication-and-relationship-mgt-1to15“ The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. ”
– George Bernard Shaw

By focusing on how to handle challenging communication and how to nurture positive relationships, this course will empower individuals to interact more successfully, especially with difficult people. The quality of our conversations and how we represent ourselves determines the quality of our interactions. Communicate with savvy and finesse and handle sensitive issues and people with tact. Increase your value by building and maintaining powerful working relationships. 

Training Outline

Part 1: Introduction to Workplace Conflict
- Understanding what creates workplace conflict
- Gaining insight to professional goals
- Understanding different personalities
- Identifying your own nature

Part 2: Developing Political Intelligence
- Understanding organizational realities
- Enhancing your professional standing
- Building networks

Part 3: Being Professionally Savvy
- The pitfalls to avoid and how
- Sharpening your influence
- Managing relationships

Part 4: Introduction to Communication Skills
- Identifying required communication roles and skills
- Identifying and defining effective communication from an organizational standpoint
- Identifying and building on individual communication strengths

Part 5: Framework for Addressing Challenging Communication
- Identifying the personalities involved
- Assessing the situation
- Listening actively
- Expressing effectively – useful phrases
- Problem-solving
- Maintaining the relationship

The above content will be explored in the context of interaction with colleagues of all levels, clients and other external parties through a series of role-playing and other hands-on activities. This topic can be customized to target difficult conversations with specific groups (senior colleagues, customers) and/or via specific modes of communications (difficult calls, survey respondents).

Client Testimonials

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