Training Overview
This programme is designed to help professionals further develop their public speaking and presentation skills.
Public speaking and presentation skills can be enhanced for more effective engagement of one’s audience. The optimal delivery style, language and structure can ensure sustained interest. The timing and choice of content can persuade listeners. Enunciation and intonation can make a positive impression. Handling questions effectively can project credibility. Optimizing the use of presentation aids can convey a more professional image.
Most importantly, participants will have hands-on practice delivering impromptu or prepared presentations for reflection and feedback purposes.
Training Objectives
- Be able to effectively manage question and answer sessions
- Be able to enhance the use of PowerPoint and any other presentation aids
- Be able to apply verbal and non-verbal techniques to enhance their delivery
- Be able to overcome any anxiety related to public speaking
Training Outline
Part 1: Preparing for Presentations
- Knowing the audience
- Determining the outcome
- Structuring the presentation
Part 2: Content is King
- Making effective openings
- Providing outlines
- Preparing the main body
- Facilitating understanding
- Using effective phrases and transitioning
- Using PowerPoint
- Using other visuals and presentation aids
- Making an impact and engaging the audience
- Concluding
Part 3: The Challenges
- Handling questions and difficult listeners
- When things go wrong
- Overcoming anxiety
- When it’s over
Part 4: Delivery Techniques
- Demonstrating enthusiasm
- Using body language to enhance delivery
- Using voice to enhance delivery
Part 5: Participants’ Presentations
- Participants’ presentations will be recorded during the workshop for reflection and feedback purposes. Each presentation will be evaluated using a review template to identify areas for further improvement and discuss developmental strategies.
- Recordings of individual presentations can be arranged.